Hey there, welcome to my site! I'm Khaos, 21, university student. Raise Your Spirits was born out of my boredom ( I could stop there) with the modern web, what I remember from my highschool computer literacy class, and also my need to have a personal website. My hope is to use this site as a little virtual home for my art projects, but knowing me, this will undoubtedly become a trash heap for my one million and one interests. Languages are my obsession. In my rare free time, I like translating stories on Ao3, making websites like this, and studying even more languages. I prefer real languages and always told myself I would never waste my time on a constructed one, but beyond all reason I have become enamoured with Medžuslovjansky / Меджусловјанскы, Toki Pona and Klingon. To my great shame I am now faithfully waiting on an Elvish conlang that people actually use. I might resort to learning Tolkien's conlangs soon. Sometimes, I draw - the real reason why I made this site is so I can post my art somewhere other than dA or tumblr. Everything interesting will be on my library page. If you have any comments, pls sign my guestbook! Enjoy! |